

dic 24 2011

Classifica e risultati dopo la 17a giornata

Position Team P GD PTS
BBC Full Barclays Premier League table
1 Man City 17 38 44
2 Man Utd 17 28 42
3 Tottenham 16 13 35
4 Chelsea 17 15 33
5 Arsenal 17 8 32
6 Liverpool 17 7 30
7 Newcastle 17 1 27
8 Stoke 17 -10 24
9 Norwich 17 -4 21
10 West Brom 17 -7 21
11 Everton 16 -2 20
12 Aston Villa 17 -4 19
13 Fulham 17 -5 18
14 Swansea 17 -5 18
15 Sunderland 17 0 17
16 QPR 17 -14 16
17 Wolverhampton 17 -13 15
18 Wigan 17 -15 14
19 Bolton 17 -17 12
20 Blackburn 17 -14 10

Risultati Premier League 17a giornata

Tottenham 1-1 Chelsea

Aston Villa 1-2 Arsenal

Everton 1-0 Swansea

Fulham 0-5 Man Utd

Man City 3-0 Stoke

Newcastle 2-3 West Brom

QPR 2-3 Sunderland

Wigan 0-0 Liverpool

Blackburn 1-2 Bolton

Wolverhampton 2-2 Norwich


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